Standard: £10
Over 60s: £8.50
Students / Under 16s: £7.50
Dedicated police detective Ma Zhe is assigned the case of a series of horrific murders in a rural Chinese town. As the investigation progresses, pressure from his superiors to find the suspected serial killer mounts, leading to a hasty arrest. But while his colleagues rush to celebrate, several clues push Ma Zhe deeper into a desperate investigation of his own – leading him into a dark world where mystery hangs over his every lead.
Director: Wei Shujun
Stars: Yilong Zhu, Chloe Maayan & Tianlai Hou
Runtime: 1h 42m
Genres: Drama, Crime, World Cinema
Certificate: 15
Language: Chinese (Subtitled)
Content Advice: Strong bloody images, violence (Find out more at