Starting Monday 11 November, 10am-11:30am
Ending Monday 13 January (breaking for two weeks over Christmas)
£250 (8 weeks, includes recordings of all meditations)
Journey through the Mindfulness Now 8-week course. Build emotional resilience and reduce stress, anxiety and physical and emotional pain. Combining two evidence-based techniques: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, the course brings together traditional practices of meditation, movement and storytelling with scientific insight into neuroplasticity, our lifelong ability to change.
Monday 11th November
Monday 18th November
Monday 25th November
Monday 2nd December
Monday 9th December
Monday 14th December
Monday 6th January
Monday 13th January
Contact [email protected] to book your space.
Various dates starting from 6th January, 5:00pm
Various dates starting from 30th January, 7:00pm
Various dates starting from 4th February, 6:30pm
Various dates starting from 1st March, 10:00am