Standard: £14
To Hell with Anger Management! Malvolio was done notorious wrong and swore to be revenged on the “whole pack of them”. Three months after the events of Twelfth Night he relates, with a great deal of satisfaction, how skilfully he has kept his word.
In this new production from Tortive Theatre (Shakespeare’s Fool) Robin Leetham takes to the stage as one of literature’s best loved/loathed characters as he demonstrates that he who laughs last, laughs longest and presents the events of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night through the prism of a wronged and much-maligned servant.
It is a masterfully written piece of theatre delivered by ‘”…an actor at the top of his game” and will be kicking off its touring life with a full run at the Edinburgh Fringe 2024.
Various dates starting from 27th March, 6:30pm